Gentlemen's Round at the Privathotel Lindtner Hamburg


The Event during the Advent

Once a year at the beginning of the Advent season, the Wirtschaftsverein für den Hamburger Süden organises a gentlemen's evening. It is the largest and most traditional social event in the metropolitan region.

Meetings of the Hamburger economy

The Economic Association for the South of Hamburg was founded in 1947 with the aim of strengthening and promoting one of the most important economic regions in and around Hamburg. The main aim is to promote co-operation between administration and business. With over 260 companies that together employ more than 40,000 people, the association has a reputation and influence that extends beyond the region's borders. That ist how we definde progress with tradition and style.

The highlight of these endeavours is the so-called Gentlemen's Evening, which attracts around 400 distinguished guests from the worlds of politics and business to the private Lindtner Hotel in Hamburg-Heimfeld every year. Since the 1970s, these have not only included men, although the term "gentlemen's evening" has been retained for the event for traditional reasons. After all, a certain etiquette needs to be maintained. Dinner jackets are compulsory for the gentlemen and an exquisite three-course menu from the hotel's kitchen is always served. The rules stipulate that nine people, all of whom come from different companies and institutions, are always seated together at one table. After being welcomed by the chairman of the association, Jochen Winand, there is a delicious starter before the guest speaker has their say.

Listen. Feasting. Networking.

The scope of the Men's Evening becomes clear when you see which guest speakers are invited. In 2015, when Hamburg's bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games was underway, Alfons Hörmann, President of the German Olympic Sports Confederation, addressed the plenary session. The year before, Spanish Ambassador Pablo Garcia-Berdoy spoke about political cohesion in Europe. A topic on which Frank-Walter Steinmeier had already struck a similar note in 2011 in the shadow of the euro crisis. Before that, Rüdiger Grube, then head of Deutsche Bahn and a native of Harburg, was a guest at a time when everyone was talking about the controversial Stuttgart 21 construction project. In addition to such major national and international issues, very pragmatic local problems are also discussed. For example, a barrier-free connection between the inland port and Harburg city center was discussed with Mayor Olaf Scholz in 2013.

After the presentation, the main course and dessert are served before the participants move on to the informal part of the gentlemen's evening, where they chat, exchange experiences and expand their network until the early hours of the morning. The hard core is often unstoppable in its enthusiasm. It is not uncommon for the last conversations to be ended out of necessity in order to give the hotel the opportunity to welcome its other guests for breakfast. For the remaining participants, there have always been various egg dishes to start the new day.

Welcome at the Lindtner

If you are interested in organising your own event, please contact our service department to discuss when and how your event can take place.

Do you want to start your own tradition and organise your annual event in an upscale setting? Then the Privathotel Lindtner is your best port of call. Our five-star hotel is able to fulfil all your wishes and make the start of your tradition possible.

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