Oldtimer at the Privathotel Lindtner Hamburg


Stylish Oldtimer

Elegant classic cars exert a special fascination on many car enthusiasts and nostalgics. Many people dream of sitting behind the wheel of an icon of their golden age. Vintage car moments and the Privathotel Lindtner make these dreams come true.

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On Tour with Style

Ever since Micheal J. Fox travelled back in time in the film "Back to the Future", time machines have often been associated with a DeLorean. In reality, however, almost all classic cars that have gone down in the history of motor vehicles as classics have the ability to transport you back in time. Whether you ever experienced the 20s, 40s or 60s yourself is irrelevant. As soon as you take a seat in a classic car, roll down the window by hand and feel every bump in the road on the steering wheel, you will inevitably feel like you are in one of the golden ages of stylish motoring. This is probably the easiest way of timetravel.

But if you want to experience this, you don't have to own a classic car yourself. You can also hire one - for example from OldtimerMomente in the south of Hamburg. The classic car hire company offers a large fleet of genuine classics that will make the heart of any nostalgic traveller beat faster. If you want to cruise the streets like the college boys in the Dodge Business Coupé, stop in front of the street café like the mobsters in the Ford A model or drive off into the sunset like Hank Moody in Californication in the Porsche Carrera, this is the place for you.

Take a picnic for a few hours in the countryside or go on a weekend adventure tour. OldtimerMomente will not only provide you with a classic car, but will also work out a suitable route for you away from modern city traffic on request. Perhaps you would even like to take part in one of the provider's exciting rallies?

The journey to shared happiness

Now imagine the journey to your dream wedding: Beaming faces accompany you to the car, it's raining rice and rose petals. You get in, the engine starts, the car rolls and the tin cans rattle. What kind of car do you have in mind? One of the modern, rubber-tyred razors or rather a creamy white Austin Healy? Elegant classic cars such as Winston Churchill's beloved Daimler DB18 Drophead Coupé or the spacious Packard 7 Passenger Sedan with chauffeur are the ideal vehicle for a dreamy drive to the harbour of marriage. And if you like, you can also take a classic car on your honeymoon in style.

Your journey begins at Lindtner

Why are we telling you this? Because we have recently started working with OldtimerMomente. From now on, you can also hire the hire company's gems from our hotel. Round off your stay with a cosy drive through the old country in a classic car of your choice.


Have you always wanted to feel like a film star from the 1950s, race across the country in a fast car and stay in a classy hotel? Then book your room at the Privathotel Lindtner Hamburg now. We look forward to your visit.

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