Medical Conventions at the Privathotel Lindtner

Flügelsaal Presentation

The Codex

The Privathotel Lindtner has recently been code-certified for medical training conferences. But what does that actually mean? And which code is it about?

Conferences for medicine and pharma

There are few fields in which further training is as important as in medicine. Human lives can depend on a doctor being familiar with the latest findings, treatment methods and medications. However, it is precisely because of this great responsibility that the public takes a very close look when a training event is organised by a pharmaceutical company - which is the case for around half of the 300,000 events held each year. There is too much concern that the organiser could use the conference to influence the participants in its favour.

In order to prevent recurring accusations of corruption, the pharmaceutical industry has therefore developed a code that regulates how conferences on continuing medical education are to be held in order to offer sceptics as little scope for attack as possible. The code corresponds to voluntary self-regulation by the pharmaceutical industry. However, penalties of up to €400,000 are imposed within the industry for violations. The issue is therefore taken very seriously.

Special requirements for the venue

Among other things, the code contains guidelines on the nature of the conference venue. Around 80 per cent of the approximately 150,000 training courses in the pharmaceutical industry take place in hotels every year. The hotel must fulfil certain requirements to ensure that a stay at the hotel in question is not considered an attempt at bribery. For example, it must be particularly well connected to motorways, train stations or airports. Otherwise, the question would have to be asked as to why it had to be this particular hotel instead of one with better connections.

There must also be sufficient conference rooms in various sizes and with extensive technical equipment. A hotel that fulfils the requirements of the conference as precisely as possible and can provide a suitable room is less likely to arouse suspicion than one whose rooms are too large or too small and possibly inadequately equipped. Ideally, it should be a business conference hotel or something similar.

In addition, the chosen hotel should not focus excessively on wellness. If the wellness offer overshadows the conference facilities on site, a more suitable hotel could certainly have been found. After all, doctors are not invited to take a relaxing holiday.

A hotel that fulfils the guidelines can have this certified by independent experts. This makes it much easier for event organisers to find a suitable conference venue. We have also had ourselves code-certified. Our good car, long-distance and regional railway connections as well as our excellent conference facilities were decisive factors in our suitability for medical training courses for the pharmaceutical industry. Take a look at our conference programmes.

Welcome at the Lindtner

We look forward to your booking enquiry

Would you like to organise a conference at the Privathotel Lindtner? Then get in touch with our service team. We will cater to your wishes and adapt our rooms according to the number of your guests, serve you first-class food and offer you comfortable sleeping accommodation. We look forward to welcoming you.

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